Online Spiritual Heritage & Yoga Philosophy Course

“The most powerful knowledge EVERY yoga teacher & sincere spiritual seeker must learn”

~Taryn Weggelaar Loka Yoga School

✿ 6 complete courses in 1!


Comprehensive training

Embrace the true teachings and essence of Yoga

Authentic worldclass experts

✿ Teachings from a traditional lineage 

Discover the Yogic Truth and Knowledge

Inside this course:

Sharada Devi is a wonderful teacher. She presents the vision of the teachings clearly and joyfully. You are whole, complete, limitless… over and over. What is there really to worry about? Lucky for us, we can now enjoy her presence online and take classes with her anytime! I look forward to each and every teaching, study text, guided meditation, traditional Puja and the question & answer sessions. To encounter these teachings and to find a worthy teacher is an incredible blessing. Sharada Devi teaches from the heart, with absolute reverence and humility. She truly embodies love and compassion, and a deep respect for the student.

– Shmuel & Kasza Malmö, Sweden

A brief overview and description of the Sanskrit Alphabet, Mantras, Meaning, Guided meditations and the Vedanta Teachings by Sharada

Self-paced International Online Training

Discover the Beauty of the most Ancient Language of Yoga and its Sacred Teachings!

Far beyond the basics you will learn in a yoga teacher training course,

this course offers the most in-depth and comprehensive Yoga Philosophy teachings available.


Learn the incredible teachings that most yoga teachers have never learnt and take a journey through your inner self, as you explore the truth from where it all began. A rare opportunity to learn from a living teaching tradition with a traditional teacher who studies, lives and breathes spirituality and it's teachings every single day!

This training is perfect for anyone wishing to answer the fundamental questions of life, understand their human experience, befriend their mind and inner child, bath in the spiritual language of Sanskrit, chant the ancient mantras that give protection, blessings and change ones way of thinking.

This is for you that:

➳ seeks to go deep into the heart of their being

➳ become an informed seeker

➳ wants to gain freedom in this life and true happiness

➳ understand & transform their mind & ways of thinking towards truth and empowerment

➳ learn the basic of the Sanskrit Language and proper pronunciation

➳ loves Mantra Chanting & Ritual

➳ wants to know the Goddess as themselves

➳ wants to live by true values

➳ spend time in self care

 explore the knowledge of truth

➳ someone who has completed a 200 hour, 300 hour or 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training and is ready to take a deep dive into the depths of Yoga to benefit themselves and others

A pilgrimage to the temple of your heart where you find everything you have been looking for

Many yoga teachers have never really learnt the true yoga philosophy, beyond the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali or the Chakras. Sadly, the roots of yoga are becoming lost amongst the hype that yoga is transforming into in the western world. Students are now keen to travel far and wide to find a yoga teacher who truly knows what they are talking about, beyond the asanas!

For thousands of years, people have been turning to yoga for freedom. For truth. For answers. There is a reason for this.

Now YOU can easily become one of the most highly sought after and knowledgeable yoga teachers! With a self-paced Yoga Philosophy training, presented on a professional learning management, all you need is the internet, a curious mind and an open heart. Your world is about to change! Here we share the knowledge and key secrets that set you up for success as a yoga teacher and, more importantly, as a human being in your day-to-day life.

What inspired YOU to practice yoga? And what kept you coming back to the mat? For most people, the answer lies beyond simply the physical benefits of yoga.

Learn the tools used to obtain incredible inner transformation, the powerful knowledge that offers YOU the answers to your happiness and contentment. To break habits. To truly change and transform. The philosophy and most valuable knowledge handed down for thousands of years. It’s right at your fingertips.
You might be questioning the value of an online training, in comparison to an in-person experience. We understand. We have created such personal, in-depth video presentations, lectures, guided practices and reading material, along with support along the way. Imagine being able to learn the teachings in your own time, when it suits your life, without interruption or disturbances and being able to re-watch the classes anytime you wish! Not to mention, the incredible savings you make on flights, accommodation and cost of an in-person course. The quality is the same – we GUARANTEE it!

We wanted to make this a comprehensive, self-paced training for you so the quality and quantity of content in this training far exceeds an in-person training!

I virtually came across Sharada and the Pearls of Wisdom classes during the first lockdown in 2020. I firmly believe that when One is ready, the Teacher appears. I had been "self-teaching" Sanskrit and Mantras for a few years, doing my own research with books and audios, but I was longing for guidance. For a voice to hear, for someone to whom I could ask questions. Finding the Pearls of Wisdom group lit up my sparkle and enthusiasm again. The classes are fascinating, both accessible and extremely deep. Sharada's teachings in Vedanta Philosophy and Mantra practice, her pedagogy, precision, support, generosity and full attention to all students is amazing and precious. Sylwia introduces the Sanskrit alphabet with great enthusiasm, sincerity and joy. I find learning to write and read Sanskrit a meditation in itself, demanding focus, full presence, discipline, humility, open heart and mind. I find the Mantra practice a beautiful tool in everyday life, to support emotional stability and to help in constant self-discovery. The various symbols, deities, concepts that are invoked in the Mantras are all aspects of Myself and of Life. Chanting is both an intimate and universal prayerful attitude. I am grateful for these teachings, for the fantastic online platform with abundant content, for the consistent program, the weekly meetings that encourage me to work deeply, regularly and well-supported on the Path of Self-Inquiry. 

Helen Eastwood, France

What’s inside the Online

Spiritual Awakening & Yoga Philosophy Training?


A comprehensive self-paced course, facilitated and presented by one of the world’s most empowering Philosophy teachers. Completion of this course is setting yourself up for success as a Yoga teacher, a human being and in life.  It is an investment in your health, happiness and wellbeing. Also providing additional resources to the many who are already deep into the practice and teaching!

You’ll learn how to;

  • Gain knowledge on the fundamentals of Yoga Philosophy
    (so you can evolve along your own journey and help others, feeding this knowledge into your yoga classes)
  • Learn how to read, write and pronounce Sanskrit
    (Guided by a teacher, including the entire alphabet of the original and ancient Yoga language that is often mispronounced and misunderstood by many yoga teachers!)
  • Advance your knowledge and understanding of Mantras
    (allowing you to stand out as a teacher and truly understand other’s physical concerns!)
  • Understand the Value of Values
    (without fear of wondering if your students will be able to do the poses)
  • Learn the knowledge of truth and self-inquiry
    (through the studies and wisdom of Tattva Bodhah)
  • Master the Sacred Vedic Shanti Prayers
    (with proper pronunciation)
  • Master the Sacred Devi Prayers and Mantras
    (withproper pronunciation)
  • Explore Understanding the Mind and The Unconscious
    (so you can truly know how to evolve beyond the thoughts and mind)
  • Boost your yoga resources without breaking the bank
    (online and self-paced training saving you time and money)
  • Be one of the few yoga teachers in this day and age to know the truth behind what is taking the world by storm!
    (increasing your Yoga repertoire)

Sharada is a rare and precious jewel. What a heart of devotion! She is totally dedicated to life of truth and carries herself with the highest integrity. I am so impressed by her clarity of Vedic chanting and how knowledgeable she is, including in the ancient language of Sanskrit! In absolutely everything she does, there is a tangible spirituality, one can feel her dedication and honouring. She is a leader in the spiritual community in Bali and many people have felt blessed by her offerings and teachings. It is amazing she now offers this online training. I highly recommend experiencing this course and watch your heart bloom! With love and highest respect,
Akasha Sky Tobias

Complete Yoga Philosophy program (value €5120)
Facilitated and guided by an international Yoga Philosophy expert.

 Tattva Bodhah (value €1480)
The knowledge of truth. Including over 60 videos and material on spiritual teachings and awareness for inner transformation.

The Value of Values (value €1080)
Values of life are the eternal constants of creation that can never be changed. Dharma is unchanging. It is Shāshvatam Dharma or Sanātana Dharma and are eternal values.

The Sacred Devi Prayers and Mantras (value €880)
Lessons including mantra chanting and Unfoldment classes.

Sanskrit Alphabet Practice (value €360)
Discover the beauty of the most ancient and sacred language.

Understanding the Mind & The Unconscious (value €1080)
Powerful guided meditations, satsangs, lectures and activities that will offer answers and new perspective

The Sacred Vedic Shanti Prayers (value €240)
An opportunity to be a student, learn from an expert as you experience and feel, allowing YOU to live from a place of knowledge and understanding!

BONUS: Devi Temple & Community Support group (Priceless)
You will be invited to join a network of teachers and students from around the world to share knowledge and stories, learn from one another and connect directly!


Get the whole bundle for €2048 you save €3072
and get life time access


join the Devi Temple for 108 euros a month which

you can cancel any time. You have access to the material as long as you are member

Devi Temple
to get the bundle reach out to [email protected] so we can send you the payment link for that 

I found Sharada almost one year ago in the Embodied Woman Festival and since the moment that I heard her words I knew that I wanted to learn from her. Therefore, I started this course and my life has been changing ever since. Sharada has this incredible way of bringing the teachings to our earthly life, we feel part of the teachings and it’s a lot easier to understand and integrate in our lives.
I need to confess that my favorite classes are always including the mantras because I love to sing and for me the Sanskrit language and her melody has a direct connection to the mystery that is embracing us at every moment!
If you want to find way to explore the cosmos that is inside and within you, I totally recommend you experience this phenomenal course.
Cindy Costa (Portugal)

You are what you want to be.