Women’s Circles happening online via zoom that help us rediscover and re-establish a Sacred Sisterhood bond and empower ourselves as a woman. We come together to share, create, exchange, be with and celebrate each other neutralising competition and jealousy.
Sign Up to Join Our Devī Circle
Welcome Dear Sister!
Women have a sacred bond with each other, a bond of trust, which has broken down and been forgotten by many over the last decades. Women’s Circles help us rediscover and re-establish that bond and the value of being a woman, having a sisterhood and being a mother in and of the universe.
We are thrilled to invite you to our Community Devī Circles, where we can reclaim that bond, reclaim our voices and let our stories be heard. Let ourselves be seen. Being seen and witnessed. Being heard and validated. Being celebrated and admired. This is at the heart of out Community Devī Circles.
A Devī Circle is a Sacred Circle of Women where we come together to support each other on this journey of life.There are times when we do not have many resources or we find ourselves helpless... so we seek help in society, our partner, our family and sometimes, through means that are not so healthy. We need support, nourishment, and the steady presence of an open heart. We all have something to learn from each other. Let's inspire each other to grow, rise and shine!

For many women we have met, coming together in a women’s circle is something unknown, scary, challenging, and even at the thought of it they feel to reject it or laugh at it. Why is it so scary? It’s just a bunch of women. Have we asked this question? We have felt betrayed. Perhaps we ourselves have betrayed. And so we have lost trust. With this, jealousy and competition have become the unsteady foundation upon which we sometimes relate. It is not a comfortable and safe space in which to open our hearts.
Yet all we long for is to be real with each other and ourselves. To nurture and be nurtured. To love and be loved.
Some of the benefits of Devī Circles
1. They can help you see and understand that every woman is unique.
2. They are a safe container to share our deepest stories.
3. They help Us relate in new ways with other women.
4. We can learn to know ourselves better.
5. We learn to validate ourselves.
6. We lean into the art of listening.
7. We learn to share our emotions and to stay with our felt sense.

With warmth in my heart and womb I am writing this message to invite all of you who are hearing the call of the sacred feminine to gather in sacred circles of women to embrace the myriad facets of life, rise from isolation and loneliness into the Oneness with all beings.
I know that these circles can literally shift the course of life & restore the sense of belonging. Devī Circles have changed my life, they have supported me during the most challenging times. Since then the prayerful sacred mirroring which is an integral part of the circles which are based on mutual honour, respect & appreciation for each other has taught me how to embrace all my relationships.
In the Vedic Vision & Teachings life is meant for growth and as a society we are meant to support each other on this journey of life. The Be Woman Community Devī Circles are our heart offerings so that we can further grow, deepen & strengthen our Sacred Sisterhood so that we all can come back home to ourselves eventually abiding in the love that we are as one whole and complete being.
One of the Visions for Be Woman Project was one of a Global Sisterhood to manifest a Temple where all are welcome no matter the background, age or color … where all can join and participate in women’s circle and experience the magic that comes from it and heal their wounds in a loving, compassionate and empowering way …. I am so happy and grateful that we are now able to offer these circles to you.
May all obstacles be removed so that you can join and re-discover the healing nature of women’s circle. Money often is one of the obstacles. This time we covered that for you. The circles are by donation. Give from the heart if you can & based on how the circles have impacted you and it will come back to you a 100008 fold.
With so much love in sacred sisterhood
Shāradā Devī
I remember my first ever women circle. I had so much longing for true heart connections, safety, belonging and sisterhood. There was so much excitement and so much fear at the same time... of being misunderstood, burdening others, speaking up, of being judged.
I shared with my eyes closed, tears dropping. When I looked up I saw so much understanding, compassion, empathy and care beaming from the women there with me... Yes, if I was you... I would feel the same...
I will never forget that first ever circle.. the transformation, the healing, the slow coming back to trust, to softness, courage. I was seen. I was heard. I was held. We danced and celebrated together. We lifted each other up and admired the beauty and wisdom in the other.
Devī Circles have helped me become a better communicator and listener. They have helped me improve the way I relate with others and with myself. It is so precious to have a Sacred Mirror in the form of another woman... to have the possibility to share from the heart without the fear of judgement, and be accepted just as you are, feel the love reflected back at you and see that you are never alone.
From that first circle, I knew I want to continue gathering, creating, sharing and connecting with other women from that heart womb connected place... the honest, vulnerable, courageous, raw, caring. I am grateful that I can be part of this heart offering & be with you in circle.
With love,
Sylwia Savitā Devī

Sitting in a circle is a simple and radical act. I have joined so many circles.. community circles, intentional circles, decision making circles, music circles and every time my heart bumped. It felt right to be together, to make decisions, to feel all equal and unique at the same time. Yet, the first time I sat in a women's circle it was something different. It was scary and powerful and at the same time something in my bones just knew how to do it. I knew it in my flesh and blood and my spirit knew the way. It was like the sacred geometry of my body recognized the magic of the circle. I recognized, in the eyes of all the other participants, my sisters, my best friends, my ancestors, the women I hated and those I have been scared of. They were all there, around and within.
Nourishing meetings with women who share a longing for spiritual growth. Sharing our stories and desires in a safe, soft and sacred place. Celebrating that we are women. Welcoming whatever is in our search for deeper knowledge of self. Offering our presence as the best present. Sharing the power of prayer. Restoring old wisdom. Mirroring our fullness.
~ Anna, Sweden
A Women's Circle.
Where time and space resolves.
Where division is nothing but a wrong vision.
We come together to see each other.
Naked, raw, vulnerable, real.
Strong, brave and free.
To give voice to what has been unsaid.
To release what has been unfelt.
To unite in the sense of loneliness.
To care for all that is with love and tenderness.
To share silence.
To be present.
To pray, invoke guidance, clarity & self knowledge.
Some of Our Core Vaues:
We meet another woman with the intention of not hurting. We meet with physical respect and humbleness, as well as emotional tenderness. We use words of respect and admiration instead of words that can hurt another sister
When we show our vulnerability we can easily feel naked and raw. We invoke for our circles that we can be naked and raw without feeling threatened by another woman, without it to be a competition.
Madhu Vratam
If we see that another woman is in need of some support we can stay present, place a hand on her shoulder, ask if she needs anything, give her a tissue if she is crying, a chocolate or some sweet honey - dripping compliments. When meeting in the virtual space we can still give a smile or write some supporting words in the chatbox.
If I would have been you, I would probably do the same. We are complex beings. We only see and meet a little piece of a woman's story in a Devī Circle. Meeting the stories and a woman with another background than yourself without judgements but with glad acceptance is something we always aim for.
A Few Important Details
Where Are the Circles?
Who are The Circles For?
What is the Price of Joining a Circle
When Are the Circles?
How Long Are The Circles?
Are You Joining Us?
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You Are Welcome.
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~ Donation ~
is a natural way of giving back in order to complete a ritual and sustain a equal balance of giving and receiving. Dakṣiṇā is giving out of fullness of infinite given grace. Let us give with a heart of prayerful abundance, with a sense of proportion, not putting ourself in poverty, according to the capacity of our wealth.
DonateCommunity Devī Circles
go heart in heart with Letters to Devī.
Letters to Devi is a therapeutic tool to repair the lost bond to the whole and return home to a heart that is naturally abiding in gratitude.
Write Your Letter to Devī