Letters to Devi is a therapeutic tool to repair the lost bond to the whole and return home to a heart that is naturally abiding in gratitude.
When I wrote my letter I was at first speechless... how can I ever put in words what you mean to me?
Dear Sarasvatī Devī?
This is how I started.
How to Join Letters To Devi?
𓆃 Connect to your Heart, Womb (or energetical place of your Womb). Take a few breaths to ground and resource. Imagine that you are in the presence of the Devī or Deva that you would like to write your letter to.
𓆃 Write the letter to Devī from the depth of your heart and the truth of your Yoni, express what you have been longing to share. Speak your Truth. Don't hold back. Welcome your hurts. Offer your Desires. Acknowledge all that is and has been.
𓆃 Send the letter to us via the form that you can find on this website (below) or you take a photo of the letter you had written by hand & send it via email to [email protected]
(email subject: Letters to Devi)
𓆃 Donations are part of the tradition to complete the Sacred Exchange. Once you write your letter via this page you will be redirected to a space where you can make your donation & also contribute if you would like to recieve Prasād from the Pūjā where your letter & intention will be read and offered to Devī
𓆃 Once we receive the letter it will go into the next round of Pūjā to Devī (dates can be found below) which we Stream Online (you will recieve a link to join before the event) or if you are in Bali you can join live where we read the letters (anonymous) that were sent in and offer them to the Goddess
𓆃 To recieve Prasādam please be sure to tick the right boxes in the form and fill in all your details, so we can send you mail.
Shāradā Devī & Sylwia Savitā Devī

Send your Letters to Devi
Can't see a confirmation email? Make sure to check your promotion or spam folder if it is there, drag and drop our email to your primary email box & white list our email [email protected]
What is Prasādam?
Where do I send the letters to Devī to?
What is a Pūjā?
Times & Days of the Pūjās?
Where are the Pūjās & how to join?

As I grow, I discover all that is here, is given. It is grace.
You see the word gratitude, grace given is contained in that word. We know that we are not the creatrix or author of anything that we possess or know. It is all given, we acknowledge the infinite giver through expressing our gratitude at the altar with our words, offerings, stories, prayers, songs, dances, flowers, water, food. It doesn’t matter what we offer. What matters is the gesture, the step that we make to show our gratitude and to create cosmic harmony.
We don’t wait anymore for anyone, we have been given a free will, we have a choice and we choose to take action.
Actions of compassion, actions of reaching out, actions of support, actions that convey my care and love. Actions that are prayerful that turn into an offering.
My life becomes an offering. And the ultimate offering is you.
We welcome you to join us in a 16 Step Pūjā Ritual during our Letters to Devī gatherings.
Below you can download a beautiful Manual will all of the 16 steps explained in detail.
~ Donation ~
is a natural way of giving back in order to complete a ritual and sustain a equal balance of giving and receiving. Dakṣiṇā is giving out of fullness of infinite given grace. Let us give with a heart of prayerful abundance, with a sense of proportion, not putting ourself in poverty, according to the capacity of our wealth.
Letters to Devī
goes heart in heart with our Community Devī Circles.
They are bi monthly Women’s Circles happening online via zoom that help us rediscover and re-establish a Sacred Sisterhood bond and empower ourselves as women.
We come together to share, create, exchange, be with and celebrate each other neutralising competition and jealousy.