Join The Navarātrī Festival
October 3rd - October 12th 2024 Online
October 9th - October 12th 2024 In person Portugal
*Can't Join live? Recordings from all sessions are available upon making a donation (for the duration of the festival) or purchase them for one year with the All
Part of the donations go to support Bumi Sehat and TreeSisters.
About the Festival
The 9 nights of the Goddess Online Festival Navarātrī has come to life to offer a unique opportunity to all those that are longing to empower, enrich & spiritualize their lives profoundly.
It is a free 10 days online festival dedicated to truly support us women to remember, awaken & reclaim our power as a Goddess, Priestess, Witch, Heroine, Leader, Role Model & Wise Free Woman.
Shāradā Founder of Be Woman Project & Devi School is going to offer a daily magical Sādhana with teachings & practices from the Vedic Tradition, Sacred Feminine Wisdom, Feminine Embodiment, Devī Circles, Pūjā, Mantra & Guided Meditations to honor the Goddess in all that is.
Powerful Feminine World Class Leaders will contribute to the festival with their outstanding presence offering modern, fresh, unique, empowering, uplifting, transformative play shops so that you have an unforgettable experience and can take the teachings, practices & tools home to accompany you the rest of your life.
It is your chance to bring out the sacred beauty, meaning and purpose in your life, to welcome the gifts of true sisterhood and the endless reservoir of magic and love.
Our hearts are full of excitement and joy to welcome you during the 9 Nights of the Goddess Festival in Navarātrī!
See you soon!

The 9 nights of the goddess, where each night is dedicated to one aspect of Durgā Devī, she who removes pain & sorrow. She is known as the great mother, who is fearless, bestows courage, strength & helps her devotees to face any challenge in life. Turning every difficult situation into a blessing, an opportunity for spiritual growth.
During Navarātrī, the goddess that we call Devī, is worshiped as Durgā the first 3 nights, as Lakṣmī the next 3 nights and as Sarasvatī the last 3 nights.
Mother in all Her Forms
This year we decided to dedicate an extra Sacred Space to the Mother in all her forms.
The mother is probably one of the most… if not the most important archetype that women are brought to their core to question their human existence; What am I if not a Mother? Am I a woman if I don’t have Babies? What is wrong with God that has taken away my baby? Do I not deserve to be a Mother? What if I fail as a Mother? Why couldn’t my Mother give me what I needed the most? Which Mother would do that? How dare you as a Mother? Mothers don’t do… Mothers are here for… it goes on and on and on…
The pain of failing as a mother, the pain of not being a mother, the pain of being a mother… often no-one talks about.
We also don’t talk about how orgasmic and ecstatic being a mother can be…. How it can support our spiritual journey or how I can be a Mother in other ways to support not only a child but the Whole Universe.
And this is why we have created 3 Special Women’s Devī Circles during the Goddess Festival led by women who have experienced loss of pregnancy, researched and studied this taboo topic… by women who are mothers and raise their children with Universal Values and see motherhood as a means for Spiritual Growth and by women who have made a decision not be a mother to a child but in and of the Universe.
Join us for one, two or all of these sessions and meet your mother in all her forms.

Are you ready to join the Navarātrī Online Goddess Festival
*Can't Join live? Recordings from all sessions are available upon making a donation (for the duration of the festival) or purchase them for one year with the All Access Pass (You will also receive the recordings from the previous 2 Navarātrī Festivals). You can choose these options after filling in the sign up form below! See you soon Goddess!
Part of the the donations go to support Bumi Sehat & TreeSisters.
SIGN UP available SOON
Love Note from Shāradā Devī
It is deeply moving to be able to invite you all again to our beloved Navarātrī Online Goddess Festival. This is the 3rd year that we have the honour to organise this festival, where world class women that are truly “a Living Goddess” are setting examples of old yet new healthy dharmic orgasmic empowering artistic ways of living while guiding others that are ready to follow the calling of the Goddess.
We are so grateful to be able to welcome you all and invite you to join us again this year in this Sacred Celebration dedicated to the Goddess that is as you, as me, as all of us.
It is a time where we reflect and have an opportunity to face the truth, let go of the old that is not serving our highest purpose, invoke strength for a dharmic honouring abundant pleasurable way of living, and seek wisdom that frees our hearts from suffering.
It is a time to forgive, to say I am sorry, to acknowledge the priceless gifts of life and the true purpose of human embodiment.
It is a time to invoke a Himalayan amount of Spiritual Wealth that cannot be taken away from anyone and will truly support one in abiding in abundance, prosperity and love.
It is a place where you can know your true self, the whole and complete self… that self that cannot be improved upon because it is better than the best already, unique like a snowflake.

It is a place where you can know others as yourself and discover that comparison, competition and jealousy has served its purpose and can be converted into admiration, support and collaboration.
It is a place where you can know the Goddess that is always here… never not here… ever available to celebrate your journey of life.
May these 9 nights and 10 days dedicated to the Goddess bring us closer, resolve conflicts and untie the most dense knots of the heart so that we can abide in the unconditional Love that we are, that IS.
With love and infinite gratitude
Shāradā Devī
Founder of Be Woman Project & Devī School
Shāradā will lead:
Opening; Daily Sādhanā; Sacred Sexuality Session ;Closing & Celebration
We are so happy to introduce this year's
Amazing Guest Teachers and Speakers

Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati
The Power and Healing of Durgā Devī ~ Opening
26th Sept. 9am CEST
Swamini ji has dedicated her life to serving the Vedic tradition by sharing teachings of Advaita Vedanta. A Hindu monk who currently lives in Mumbai (India) her teachings range from the depth and breadth of self growth to self discovery. She offers regular Vedanta courses (online), the podcast – Vedanta – the river of wisdom, insightful videos, workshops and retreats in India and abroad.
Swamini teaches regular courses at the Hindu University of America. She is the author of ‘You matter – Insights from Vedanta.’ She is a direct disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, having studied Vedanta, Sanskrit and Vedic chanting at Arsha Vidya Gurukulam in a residential, intensive three year course in Coimbatore and Rishikesh. She studied part time with Swami Brahmavidananda for about twelve years. Her last leadership role was as the Country Head (India) of an international organisation which positively impacted the lives of 150,000 street children. She was a former psychologist.

Ibu Robin
Power of Mother’s Love ❤️ as manifest in Maidens who are growing, Pregnant Birthing women, Women who birth their creative offerings (not necessarily babies), Women who have suffered Loss, Women who are Crones (the keepers of time) and Wise Women the Grandmother keepers of HerStory.
27th Sept. 9am CEST
Bumi Sehat Founder, a non-for-profit organisation, based in Bali, Indonesia. Bumi Sehat operates three Community Health, Education & Childbirth Centres within Indonesia.
Ibu Robin Lim Filipina~American~Micronesian grandmother midwife, Doula and founder of Bumi Sehat NGO which maintains clinics in Indonesia and Philippines. Like my Filipina grandmother, I am blessed to kneel at the feet of birthing women, the StarGate between Earth and the Land of Souls. Every 11 seconds a pregnant woman or newborn dies somewhere on Earth. 800 mothers and 7,000 babies die each day. Most of these lives are lost due to preventable or treatable causes. Solutions include: humanizing protocols and practices for birth and postpartum care, eradicating disparities in food security and making skilled midwives and trained doulas available to every MotherBaby.

Ni Luh Manis
The Power of Community
1st Oct. 9am CEST
The Balinese people follow the religion Hindu dharma. Balinese culture and religion impact almost every aspect of life on this island and humanity community and the element power of nature are influenced by spirit .
I would like to share with you about daily life as a Balinese and we enjoy a meditation together.
Born and raised in Bali, Manis is a trained “Jero” or Balinese priestess, who has responsibility in her local community to lead ceremonies.
On becoming a Jero, she found her sensitivity to energy heightened, so turned to yoga and meditation to balance it. She has since gained her 200 hour yoga teacher training from Shakti Mhi at Prana Yoga College.
She now practices and teaches hatha and prana yoga, and meditation, full-time.

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
Restoring Rhythmic Cycles of Deep Feminine Power - A Radical Yogic Act of Collective Rest.
30th Sept. 7pm CEST
A co-creative Total Yoga Nidrā.
Because the only truly radical act remaining is to Stop. Let Us Take Rest Together in the ruins of late capitalism.
Uma is the author of Nidra Shakti: The Power of Rest, An Encyclopaedia of Yoga Nidra (Sitaram and sons February 2022) and the co-author of Yoga Nidra Made Easy (Hay House. March 2022). She works internationally and online, sharing yoga retreats, trainings and empowerments that support the natural arising of prana shakti: the power of life. Uma trains specialist teachers in Total Yoga Nidra, Women’s Yoga (womb yoga for all stages of women’s lives), and therapeutic yoga for pregnancy, birth, and postnatal recovery.
In 2005, Uma co-created the annual Santosa Living Yoga and Bhakti Camp, a community yoga gathering that has met annually for fifteen years in Avalon (Somerset). She is co-founder of the Yoga Nidra Network and has developed Total Yoga Nidra, Wild Nidra, Yoni Nidra and Nidra Shakti: radical creative and intuitive approaches to sharing yoga nidra.

Jane Hardwicke Collings
The Autumn Woman Archetype & Wise Womanhood - Menopause
29th Sept. 7am CEST
Jane Hardwicke Collings is a grandmother, former homebirth midwife for 30 years, a teacher, writer and menstrual educator. She gives workshops on mother and daughter preparation for menstruation, the spiritual practice of menstruation, and the sacred dimensions of pregnancy, birth and menopause. Jane founded and runs The School of Shamanic Womancraft, an international Women’s Mysteries School.

Nadeshwari Joythimayananda
She is Me
1st Oct. 7pm CEST
Nadeshwari Joythimayananda of Indian and Sri Lankan origins, She transmits yoga of a tradition open to women and oriented towards cyclical strength and sweetness, through original and spontaneous teachings of Asian, European and Central American traditions

Vaidika Bali
Feminine Power, Feeling, & Embodiment through Balinese Arts
27th Sept. 7pm CEST
Cok Istri Putri Rukmini, SSn, also known as Cok Pring, is an outspoken, graceful, and empowered traditional dancer and vocalist from Singapadu, Bali who feels life deeply. "Balinese dance is an expression of the heart that's shown through the facial expressions and body. It all starts from oneself--if we feel beautiful and happy within, surely our dance will be beautiful, and others will be touched as well. With deep feeling and awareness (control), find pleasure and satisfaction and seek the deepest source of movement."
Ni Nyoman Sraya Murtikanti, MA is a young composer, teacher, and performer in the traditional and contemporary Balinese music scene. With her own gamelan group and a teaching residency in California, she's an inspiration with her skill, knowledge, curiosity, and independent spirit. In her words, "It's been a great development that so many girls play gamelan. I hope I can also help encourage them to create music through example."
Monali Varaiya is passionate about the depth of yoga and yajña that is practiced through Balinese arts and culture.
They can't wait to offer sacred Balinese gender wayang songs, vocal music, and a powerful dance piece for this pūjā to Devī!

Dr. Shari Tarbet
Sharing of a Poem
26th Sept. 7pm CEST
Author of the Conquered Feminine EVIDENCE OF THE DEMONIZATION OF THE FEMININE IN LANGUAGE. A lifelong interest in mythology, Dr. Tarbet holds degrees in Mythological Studies/ Depth Psychology, English/History Education, and Broadcast Journalism. An educator for over 30 years, she currently teaches short courses on myth at the OSHER Institute. She also has taught Navajo students at Dine college in New Mexico. Dr. Tarbet has presented papers on various topics in myth as well as the demonization of the Sacred Feminine in language, history, and myth; won second place in the Children’s Lit. category at the SWW convention in the 90s; and has had her poetry published in Southwest Women’s Poetry Exchange, and Between: Literary Review, She co-produced the Bal de Korai, a dance performance blending her original poetry on twelve Greek goddesses, Middle Eastern music, and solo belly dance performances in which the dancers embodied the goddesses.

Sheila Kamara Hay
Ecstatic Birth: A Divine Blueprint for all Creation
28th Sept. 7pm CEST
Ecstatic Birth- Birthing with PLEASURE- offers us profound insight into the role of feminine energy in creation, and how we can come back into balance, nurturing our bodies and supporting our energy throughout our process.
In this session I will talk about the stages of reclamation necessary to transform the physical experience of childbirth from pain to pleasure and, from that foundation, unveil the Feminine Flow of Creation, the underlying blueprint by which we birth ANYTHING we want.
Sheila Kamara Hay, is the founder of Ecstatic Birth and a Yale and Columbia Trained Cultural Sociologist, She is devoted to reclaiming and honoring birth as a sacred rite of passage and an integral part of the Feminine Flow of Creation™. As an Ecstatic Birth advocate and coach, she has empowered 1000s of women around the globe to birth their babies, dreams and desires with pleasure.

Charli Kornblum
"Return to the Sacred" Vocal Sound Healing to Uplift and Empower
4th Oct. 7pm CEST
Charli Kornblum is a Holistic Voice Practitioner, Singer-Songweaver and Sound Therapist. Charli began singing at a very young age, travelling around the world sharing stage by her parents Nestor Kornblum & Michêle Averard – musicians and pioneers in Sound Therapy. Singing, Chanting and Overtone Singing since the age of five – using her voice as an instrument of free expression and self-healing. Growing up she felt the importance, significance and power of the voice, she experienced how discovering and exploring her voice became the answer to many of her questions. Her mission in life is to guide people in helping themselves re-discover and re-connect with this sacred channel and by doing so accessing their full potential. Charli offers 1:1 Holistic Vocal Coaching and workshops worldwide. She is very much looking forward to being part of the Navarātri Women's Festival, she will be sharing a Vocal Sound Healing session as an invitation to return to the sacredness within, to the origin of our existence.

Prema Mayi
The Power of Devotion through Sacred Sounds & Devotional Kirtan
26th Sept. 7pm CEST
Prema Mayi was introduced to a life of devotion when her parent joined a Bhakti yoga ashram in her childhood years. Kirtan being the way of prayer and glorification became her shelter, her creative expression her love and healing work. Now she teaches how to integrate a spiritual cultivation in daily life. She will offer a brief presentation on the power of devotion through the intimate relationship of sacred sound, the voice and heart. She will also offer a kirtan to Radha.

Jelena Devī
Mother's of This Earth ~ Dance & Embodiment Journey
4th Oct. 9am CEST
This dance and embodiment journey will invite you to re-BIRTH yourself. We are all MOTHERS OF THIS EARTH - we are her body. We will be starting with a deep self-love activation for our precious body temples and move through a re-birthing process through which we honour THE DIVINE FEMININE within all things.
We are invited to be of service to this Earth as MOTHERS - no matter if we actually birth children physically or not. This is an invitation to drop into deep surrendered flow and express yourself through sacred dance.
“Your dance is healing for this precious Earth.”
Jelena Devi (Switzerland/Jamaica) landed into this world dancing. After many years exploring the realms of professional dance, choreography and teaching a variety of styles it is her greatest joy to guide people into deeper connection to their body and heart to witness expression of truth.
Previously a dance/ yoga studio owner she now shares “Embodiment & Empowerment as Medicine” all over the world in the form of Workshops, Coaching, Trainings & Retreats.
She has completed over 2’000 hours of different yoga and dance trainings and facilitated classes, workshops and retreats all over the world for the last 15 years. In 2019 she created her own Facilitator Training called Shakti Rising. This training is for women who wish to step fully into their feminine essence and share sacred spaces with others through movement and embodiment practices.

Kaya Mindlin
Lakṣmī Tantra
29th Sept. 7pm CEST
Kaya will share the primary ways that Lakshmi herself teaches the Gods about how to worship her to receive her blessings. Also learn deeper meanings and symbolism of Lakshmi and a sacred mantra that ignites and nurtures the feminine divine within, allowing you to share her grace with the world.
With the blessing of her beloved teachers, Kaya has been sharing yogic knowledge and practice with dedicated practitioners and teachers for 21 years. Her work threads storytelling, Tantra, Vedanta, Feminine Divine, Yoga Therapy, Vedic astrology, Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Mantra and Sacred Texts. She loves to make traditional yogic teachings meaningful and personal for modern lives and has a skill for lovingly demystifying complex teachings. Kaya truly lives her teachings of living a spiritual life in every moment, literally breastfeeding her children whilst teaching sacred texts. Her nurturing, inclusive and rich approach to wisdom is rooted in love and inspires her students to bring nurturance and meaning into their lives. She teaches students from all over the world through her online Supreme Release Yoga studio and courses in the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Nidra, Karma, Mantra and more.

Beta Lisboa
Womb healing through Yin Fascial Yoga
5th Oct. 9am CEST
This class is an integration of traditional Yin Yoga, Myofascial Release, Somatic Experiencing, the Chakra system and Mindfulness. These special techniques work together on our three bodies in order to release traumatic imprints and to dissolve residual tensions held in our wombs. It will help you to heal and strengthen the body, balance the emotions and calming the mind and spirit.
Beta is a passionate Brazilian spiritual seeker, founder of Dynamic Spiral Yin Fascial Yoga, a fascia awareness yoga system. After much research over 25 years of learning, her passion focuses on women’s embodiment and trauma healing integration. Beta has been offering yoga mentoring programs and teacher training for the last 15 years. Aside from the yoga world, she offers private sessions in Women's Embodiment Coach, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Myofascial Release bodywork and womb healing work. Beta is about to publish her first book; Dynamic Spiral Yin Fascial Yoga, a guide for women’s embodiment.

Nathalie Sommer
Womb healing
3rd Oct. 9am CEST
Experience a beautiful journey into your power center, into your womb. Nathalie will be channeling healing energy from her spiritual feminine support team and you’ll experience guided visualization, embodiment practices to help you connect deeper to your womb and feminine being.
Connecting to your womb and feminine essence allows you to open up to your most creative potential. This creativity can help with all aspects of life including parenting, relationships, work and business.
I’m Nathalie Sommer, I’m a certified Relationship and Intimacy Coach & Intuitive Soul Guide. I help create containers and guide you through a process of rebirthing yourself. I specialise in the area of relationships- with others and most importantly with SELF.
For the last 16 years of my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve been working as a life coach, intuitive guide and healer, and I now combine these modalities to create powerful transformations by combining them with my feminine sensual embodiment & relationship work.

Kāmadevī Carla Zürcher
Radical Transcendance
30th Sept. 9am CEST
Tantra yoga is a path that skilfully navigates the highs and lows of life’s dual pull. Explore how to rise into delight by facing your obscurities.
This is an embodied journey that will reveal any limited patterns and purify them into the light. By deeply feeling, seeing, and getting clear on wisely choosing - via your direct experiences.
See yourself clearer through the lens of one of Tantra’s most transformative Mahavidyas (wisdom goddesses) Chinnamastā - "she whose head is severed”, (associated with Shiva). Headlessness is a yogic metaphor for total immersion beyond the egoic mind.
Kāmadevī is a Mystic Leader who supports individuals in nourishing their body-mind temple. Through her transmission of authentic Yogic teachings, you will learn how to become self-sustainable on your spiritual path. Kāmadevī offers 1:1 Somatic Mentorship, Tantra Yoga Teacher Trainings, Yoga Retreats, Feminine Empowerment and Holistic Bodywork. Her mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating your innate harmony, wisdom and self-empowered nature.

Daniela Mandala
Anatomy of the 7 Emotions: How to Alchemize the Body-Mind Complex
2nd Oct. 9am CEST
Founder and Spiritual Director of SOHA, School of Healing Arts, Co-Founder Sutra Yoga. Global teacher born in Mexico, Daniela has been immersed in yoga and the healing arts for more than 20 years.
Certified in Osteopathy & Bioenergetics, Medical Magnet Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mandala Vinyasa Yoga, Prana Flow, Tantra Yoga, Acroyoga, and Thai Yoga Massage.
Daniela has been devoted to the traditional teachings of Vedanta with her teachers Swami Vagishananda Saraswati, and Radhaji. She shares positive, strong, deep, devoted practice and service through her teachings. Her work as a Yoga and Holistic practitioner inspires clear, sharp, and loving awareness guiding each individual back to the Self.
Currently based in Bali, teaching trainings at The Yoga Barn in Ubud, Daniela offers online trainings including Alternative Medicine, Yoga, and the Healing Arts.

Anna Maria Magdalena
Earth Priestess Arts: Womb Voice of Woman
2nd Oct. 7pm CEST
Anna Maria has walked the shamanic feminine wisdom path for over 13years, living and studying with various indigenous grandmothers and consecrating the elemental devas as her greatest teachers. Her offering of the Earth Priestess Temple Arts is a mystery school that weaves the worlds of elemental initiation, ceremony & ancestral wisdom paths, with sacred feminine embodiment practise of the tantric & taoist vitality arts, right use of sexual life-force & the in-depth healing between woman’s relationship with her body, the Earth Mother & her purpose in the world.
Anna Maria will be sharing an Earth Priestess Arts class of the Woman’s Womb Voice - to clear, align & awaken the connection between a womans throat, womb, yoni and the Earth Mother’s unique expression through each womans healing song. The class will use movement, transmission & sound to unlock this vibration, as well as Native American song and medicinedrum to join our sisterhood in prayer for the Earth, elements and beauty way of Life.

Parul Parvati
Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and the role of the Moon as Mother
28th Sept. 9am CEST
Parvati is a lineage based jyotishi (vedic astrologer) who combines her knowledge of astrology, ayurveda and vedanta to help guide and illuminate her clients in knowing their true nature and essential self.
It is through the guidance of your personal birth blueprint we can see the karmic lessons of this lifetime and learn how to accept, embrace and transform our lives to reach our soul's potential and actualization.
Parvati is honored to share with us the implications and meaning of this powerful nine nights of Navaratri using the knowledge and understanding of jyotish shastra or the divine science of light.

Shereen Öberg
Healing, Meditation & Ceremony to the Goddess
3rd Oct. 7pm CEST
Shereen is a Kurdish healer, priestess and devotee of the Goddess. She has walked the path of healing, intuition and psychic knowing since she was a child and have always been attuned to the frequency of the world. In 2014 she birthed the Law of Positivism Instagram which has grown into a podcast and a book; The Law of Positivism - Live a life of higher vibrations, love and gratitude. She holds a master's degree in global sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as being a certified yoga teacher, and acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese Medicine. She has walked the priestess path with the Daughters of Ishtar Temple for a year and is devoted to her priestess training in a gnostic Mystery School.

Shāradā Devī
Trauma Informed Sacred Sexuality
29th Sept. 9am CEST
Sacred Sexuality & Desire as a means for healing, growth & expansion. This aspect of life is often covered with mystery, shame, and pain, both for women and men.
Intimacy can touch our deepest core wounds, our most vulnerable secrets, our heart-wrenching attachments and addictions. Intimacy also brings out our most noble, heroic selves, our most caring, inspired, and beautiful actions.
We open up to the erotic essential flavor of life, śṛṅgāra rasa, and caring sensuality. Through sacred sexuality, we wake up to really being in the body, and having a felt-sense experience of life which means we are capable of meeting all flavors of life from deeply painful, to profoundly pleasurable, and expansively ecstatic.
We will be incorporating ancient Vedic & Taoist tools, modern science & life experiences from 1000s of women to provide the depths, safety and foundation to inspire you to reclaim your orgasmic adorable & lovable being.
We come together as sacred mirrors … to celebrate this precious gift that we all have been given;
Our Vulva! Our Yoni! Our Vessel! Our Home! Our Life!
Prepare your sanctuary where you can be completely undisturbed. Light candles. Offer flowers and burn incense.
Come in comfortable clothes, wrapped up in a sarong or simply in your birth suit. Bring skin friendly organic oil.

Nima Kashavarzi, Shereen Öberg,
Sheila Kamara Hey
We are all One
1st Oct. 3pm CEST
Join us in sacred circle to stand in solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Women of Iran and those throughout the world unable to stand in their freedom and full expression. We will hold space for our collective grief and righteous rage and invoke our hearts prayers and highest intentions for our collective feminine reBirth across the planet.
Motherhood Devī Circles
Devī Circles are a space where women can gather in a safe, non-competitive, non-judgemental way to share their hearts, fears, hopes, tears or laughter and stories which otherwise might not have been told. We all strive for connection and we all want to be heard and seen, yet we often feel disconnected, alone and distant from others.
In Devī Circles we share presence, we share silence, we pray for guidance and invoke clarity and self-knowledge... we come together to see each other naked, raw, vulnerable, real, strong, brave and free. We are welcomed exactly as we are.
During this year's Navarātri we will hold:
The Fierce Mother, Durgā Devī ; The Nurturing Mother, Lakṣmī Devī; The Mother in and of the Universe, Sarasvatī Devī.

The Fierce Mother Circle
27th Sept. 3pm CEST
Bio Found in the GS Section Above

The Fierce Mother Circle
27th Sept. 3pm CEST
A heroine and priestess of Be Woman project and a teacher of adaptive yoga.
I want to be a connection sister to manifest the loving support, acceptance and empowerment that we as women can create together in a sharing circle.

The Nurturing Mother
29th Sept. 3pm CEST
Sanna has dedicated her life to understanding and embodying the Vedic and Yogic wisdom. Yoga and meditation have been her companions since she was 16 years old. During her years as an engineer, and now recently as a mother, she has had a lot of practice in integrating and applying its tools and wisdom in modern everyday life.

The Nurturing Mother
29th Sept. 3pm CEST
Lakshya is a Yoga teacher and also shares Vedic wisdom, Sanskrit and Chanting. She has been living in India since 2010, including three years in an ashram with her guru Swami Dayananda Saraswati, and is inspired by the Vedic culture and traditions. After becoming a mother, Lakshya has become passionate about guiding women through natural pregnancies and births, and does this through pre & postnatal yoga and workshops.

The Mother In and Of The Universe
3rd Oct. 3pm CEST
Read Bio Above

The Mother In and Of The Universe
3rd Oct. 3pm CEST
Bio Found in the GS Section Above

Night/Day 1, 2, 3
Durgā Devī
The first 3 nights/days are dedicated to Durgā Devī to neutralize our binding likes & dislikes, inhibitions & situations we are struggling with. We invoke strength, courage, the will & effort to change what we can in life. We ask for all the guidance & tools to remove all obstacles that stagnate our emotional & spiritual growth.

Night/Day 4, 5, 6
Lakṣmī Devī
The next 3 nights/days are dedicated to Lakṣmī Devī, the goddess of abundance & wealth. We will invoke her to bless us with health & wealth on all levels. She is the one that gives us a sense of worthiness, deservingness & helps us see that we are already what we want to be. We will honor the gift of being a woman & having a sisterhood & all other gifts that we have been given in life.

Night/Day 7, 8, 9
Sarasvatī Devi
The last 3 nights/days are dedicated to Sarasvatī Devī, the goddess of relative & absolute knowledge. She is also known as the goddess of communication & sacred arts. We all have been gifted with an extraordinary sacred instrument that is our body-mind sense temple through which we can embody the love that we are.

Day 10 Vijayadaśami
The tenth day is called Vijayadaśami, which marks the defeat of Durgā over the demon Mahiśāsuramardini. Vijaya means "victory", also symbolic of the victory over our own minds. This day marks the day where Dharma wins over Adharma, where the Value of Values reigns supreme in leading one’s life. Also known as Dussehra, the tenth day reminds us of reverence and devotion for the shining Self as Devī or Brahmātmā. We return home and own up the powerful, shining Being who goes beyond even the phenomena and powers of sattva, rajas, and tamas, deified as Durgā, Lakṣmī, Sarasvatī in days 1-9. It is the day when the hero Rāma returned home to Ayodhyā after vanquishing Rāvaṇa, an inspiring model for each of us on our own heroine’s journey of true Self Discovery and power.
With this closing of Navaratri, we commence our third Heroine’s Journey, a magical and sacred dive into sisterhood, healing, integration, empowerment, Vedic traditions, and Self-Knowledge. Will you join us?
Are you ready to join the Navarātrī Online Goddess Festival
OCTOBER 15th to 24th 2023
*Can't Join live? Recordings from all sessions are available upon making a donation (for the duration of the festival) or purchase them for one year with the All Access Pass (You will also receive the recordings from the previous 2 Navarātrī Festivals). You can choose these options after filling in the sign up form below! See you soon Goddess!
Part of the donations go to support Bumi Sehat and TreeSisters.
Brought to You by:
A Sacred Union of the ancient Knowledge of the Self and Trauma informed Embodiment to reclaim your absolute Fullness, Power & Radiance.
Devī School & the Be Woman Project are here to inspire as many beings as possible to reclaim their absolute fullness & dignity through powerful teachings & tools; the magical world of rituals & mantras with the teachings of Vedanta (the knowledge of the limitless self) integrated with trauma informed Sacred Sexuality, Earth Wisdom, Inner Child Dynamics, & true community with the key ingredients of devotion, trust & universal values that we call Dharma.
The Navarātrī Online Goddess Festival would not be possible without the love, passion and help from this stellar Devī Team & Volunteers:

Sylwia Devī
Navarātrī Festival Co-Organizer, Coordinator, Tech Support, Guest Speaker Presenter & Festival Connection

Melanie Devī
Guest Speaker Coordinator & Festival Connection

Elisa Devī
Partnership, Guest Speaker Coordinator & Presenter, Festival Connection

Ausra Devī
Graphic and Visual Designer

Julia Devī
Social Media FB Sisterhood

Akal Anand Devī
Social Media Instagram

Monali Devī
Blog & Social Media Copy Writer
Are you ready to join the Navarātrī Online Goddess Festival
*Can't Join live? Recordings from all sessions are available upon making a donation (for the duration of the festival) or purchase them for one year with the All Access Pass (You will also receive the recordings from the previous 2 Navarātrī Festivals). You can choose these options after filling in the sign up form below! See you soon Goddess!
Part of the donations go to support Bumi Sehat and TreeSisters.