We will explore the menstrual cycle and all of its connections with the archetypes, the moon cycle, the life and death cycle and the circadian rythm. All of the cycles that rule our life and that we can surf for a sweet and harmonious hormonal ebb and flow.
I will use art as a way of exploring this topic. drawing, using colors and paints as well as songs.
What can a life in sync with our cyclic nature bring us?
Success? Harmony? Deeper spiritual journeys?
Disa is a Wild Woman who lives with one foot in the primitive and untamed, her hands in the invisible web, and the other foot firmly anchored and rooted in being a cyclical influence in a linear culture. She awakens those who seek the cyclical in a culture that has forgotten its origins.
For the past 10 years, Disa has been exploring the Cyclic, both within and without, to help herself and others reclaim the power inherent in the ebb and flow of the lunar cycle.
Disa has journeyed from sick to healthy, from infertile to fertile, and from domesticated to wild.
She works daily to help others heal and find their way to a life of hormonal and cyclical harmony through courses, retreats, and one-on-one sessions.
She is a trained Fertility Awareness Educator, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner (HRHP), Vaginal Steam Facilitator, and Earthing Guide. Her everyday life is about exploring and understanding her body's vitality and place in the ecosystem we call planet Earth through ceremony and commitment to her calling.