Sacred Desire 



Free Mistress Class Series

Bonus Surprise

6 sessions of The Muse ~ Golden Orientation to give you a sneak peak of our 13 moons of Trauma Informed Group Coaching & Feminine Embodiment Certification

1st Session - Return to Sacred

The breasts are the door to a woman’s heart. Her heart contains the ocean of love. The ocean of love is what sustains & heals everything. And everything comes from the primordial source of the Yoni where the Power-Shakti prevails. What we covered in this live:

- spiritual teaching tradition - all that is here is sacred - desires are sacred - Goddess Laksmi - Mantra to Laksmi - Being able to give without feeling any loss - dharmic desires - guided meditation - heart mudra - melting into the heart - entering the ocean of love - healing old memories - inner child wishes - inner woman/man wishes - heart yoni mudra - connecting pleasure to our heart desires -

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2nd Session - Sacred Invocation

In this 2nd Session called Sacred Invocation we offered our desires to the Goddess who fulfils our wishes.

What was covered in this session:

- summary of the first session return to sacred - definition of true success - reasons why it can be difficult to find, share and go after our desires - fear of change - the 3 powers that are necessary to accomplish anything in life - how the reclamation & pursuit of our desires is not a solo journey - how all leaders, great masters/mistresses, teachers had to face their fears and received support and guidance - a vedic ceremony dedicated to the goddess Sarasvatī she who fulfils our wishes - Sarasvatī Mantra -

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3rd Session - Ready to receive?

Ready to receive? The path of least resistance.

What we covered in this class:

- the meaning and purpose of life - the lack of knowledge and understanding is the cause for all our pain and ultimately also our desires - how we take charge of our life when we stop blaming - what is happiness? - the desire for happiness is the door to freedom - everything I want is already there - resistance is the obstacle - pleasure as your gift to this world - sexuality is not only about procreation - the blessings of reclaiming your sacred sexuality - the uniqueness of the sacred union of the ancient teachings of vedanta & sacred sexuality - The Muse 13 moons Program -

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4th Session -Sexual Healing

What we covered in this class:

 - The need of a sacred space - Sex tools - The definition of Sacred Sexuality - The stages from Sexual Healing to Sexual Wholeness  - Embodiment Ritual dedicated to Sexual Healing - Upcoming Programs  - Testimonials  

What you will need:

A quiet place to practice. I invite you to make a sacred sanctuary  a place where anyone's breath would stop as soon as they enter because it is so beautiful. Clean the space, light candles and incense. Create an altar with sacred objects that represent sexual healing. Bring red roses. Skin friendly oil.

00:00:00 ~ 00:43:35 ~ From Sexual Healing to Sexual Wholeness
00:43:36 ~ 1:48:42 ~ Sexual Healing Embodiment Ritual
01:48:43 ~ 02:00:31 ~ The Muse & Upcoming Retreats & Testimonials

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5th Session - Being in the womb of the Goddess

What a precious opening yesterday during the fullmoon. I loved preparing my golden womb.

I created a beautiful altar with the Goddess Sarasvatī and Isis offered the flowers my beloved gifted to me and chanted for an auspicious beginning. 

And so it was...with the blessing of Devī we gathered in a sacred circle of women orienting ourselves for the 13 moons to come. 

What we covered:

- possible resistance, fears and traumas that can come up when being a student again - the pain of comparison and competition between women - Who is the embodied Muse - The Golden Womb is the Womb of the Goddess - what is possible when one claims ones place in the womb of the Goddess - guided embodied journey from our womb to the womb of the goddess - mantra dedicated to the golden womb - and so much more

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The Muse ~ Golden Orientation


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The Muse ~ Golden Orientation




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The Muse ~ Golden Orientation



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The Muse ~ Sacred Sexuality 

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The Muse ~ Golden Orientation





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The Muse ~ Golden Orientation



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Cannot Wait to Learn More Goddess? Check Below. 

Sacred Woman Expansion

Most of us have not had a healthy upbringing when it comes to our sexuality. Most of us have learned that there is something shameful or dirty about our sexuality. Most of us did not receive the proper empowering education when it comes to sexuality. Many of us have experienced trauma when it comes to our sexuality.

A place to breathe & simply just be your unapologetic, wild, magical, free graceful, wise, empowered, whole, orgasmic, sensual self. 

October 28th to November 3rd, 2024

 in person in Portugal 

Learn More